
Thoughts for the Journey

Welcome to my journey! Perhaps you'll find some encouragement, laughter, or just a thought as you walk along with me.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The One who called us is faithful.

Tomorrow I will move to another country, with my husband, two daughters, and some luggage.

It is a very surreal feeling. The rooms that a week ago were bursting with disorganized chaos are now echoing with emptiness. The suitcases that looked big enough for me to curl up and hide in for a brief nap now have corners of clothes begging to escape.

The fundraisers are through, the open houses are done, and the goodbyes are being felt. I know it's harder for those staying, in part because we've been so busy that I haven't been able to wrap my brain around it. It's been a blessing to experience such love and support from so many people as we head out into this new chapter.

As I picture myself walking down the ramp onto the first  (of 6) plane tomorrow, I have thought several times to the moments years (and years) ago when I knew I would be doing this (!). The first was in early high school. I had just learned about people groups around the world who had no Bible in their language. I sat at my desk in English class, and 'knew' in the deepest part of my heart that I MUST be involved in this! After all, He gave this command over 2,000 years ago! And we're still trying to get the job done... :) How could I not be a part of this?

The second moment I reflect on is from Ecola Bible School, about 10 years ago. I had learned about New Tribes Mission, and became further compelled (if that was possible) to GO and be involved in Bible translation and church planting. I remember walking from my tiny dorm above the dining hall, across the long parking lot toward the gym, feeling excited and nervous all at the same time. I remember looking up toward the sky and saying boldly (and nervously) to Him, "I am going to go! Will I go alone? Or who will you send with me?"

And now, 10 years since then, here I am! Tomorrow I will go, and I will go with an amazing, like-minded husband, and two beautiful daughters. We have the joy and privilege as a family to grow together in our walks with Him as we take His Gospel of grace to a people who has not yet heard!

It has been nearly 15 years since I knew I wanted to step onto that airplane. And the One who called me HAS been faithful- and tomorrow I will step onto that plane with joy, excitement, (and everything in between) and HIS strength.

How does it feel to take off from your hometown airport, knowing you will likely not see it again for years? It's surreal! But the One who called us is faithful. So we breathe in and out, and we walk in Him.

How does it feel to say goodbye to your parents, grandparents, family, friends? To step off of their porches for the last time in a long time? It's difficult! But the One who called us is faithful. So we breathe in and out, and we walk in Him.

How does it feel to consider all that lies ahead in this next year (language learning, culture learning, climate adjusting, time zone adjusting, lifestyle changing, etc...)? It's amazing actually (and we know there will be good days and difficult days)! And the One who called us is faithful. So we breathe in and out, and we walk in Him.

How does it feel to be a part of this task? It's the greatest joy imaginable. The. Greatest. Joy. And the One who called us is faithful. So we breathe in and out, and we RUN JOYFULLY in Him!

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