
Thoughts for the Journey

Welcome to my journey! Perhaps you'll find some encouragement, laughter, or just a thought as you walk along with me.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Can I hire an assistant?

Can a missionary have an assistant?

Yes, quite honestly, I'm feeling overwhelmed with all there is to do in these next few months.

Alright- that's ALL there is to this blog post. No beating around the bush.

Shoot me an email or call/text me if you would be willing to help me put together some of the lists of things I need to get done, and hold me accountable to them, and help me accomplish them!

Lists include:

-What do I need in my kitchen?
-What do I need for my kiddos?
-Educational, craft, and entertainment supplies?
-What do I need for our tribal home?
-What loose ends do we need to tie up here in the USA?
-Relational things I should not forget before we head out.
-Sorting through our remaining belongings

*Note- if you can't help with a list, but you'd like to help me breathe by sharing a cup of coffee, it's highly probable that I will respond to that postively as well....  .... just saying.

**More important note... Words of encouragement from Scripture are just as helpful as coffee. (And maybe even more-so!! Ok, let that smile out, it was meant to cause a chuckle.) I find myself daily listening to Matt Maher's "Lord, I Need You." I hope the truthful words are an encouragement to you today as they are to me daily.

"Lord, I Need You" ~ Matt Maher

1 comment:

  1. I am a lover of lists and I will gladly help if I can! I'd love to chat about educational, craft, entertainment supplies and things needed for kiddos and see if there's anyway that I can help! (And if there's ever a time to do this over coffee that would be a definite bonus!)
