“1 adult and 3 children?” the ticket agent asked Noe as we checked in for our flight out of Goroka last Monday.
“Yes. …. Wait, no! 2 adults and 2 children! That’s my wife there with them!”
Of course there are often some definite compliments attached to such a misunderstanding, haha.
After we checked in for the flight, we left the airport and drove down the street to the grocery store which has a little cafe inside, and enjoyed cappuccinos with the friend/fellow missionary who was our driver for the morning. (Yes, cappuccinos while waiting for a flight in PNG! Right?!)
We returned to the airport at boarding time, but the plane had not arrived yet. Well, the plane arrived nearly an hour later, so we finally boarded and settled in for the flight. The plane taxied to the end of the runway and prepared for takeoff.
We began the race down the runway, but then suddenly the pilot hit the brakes and we quickly slowed to a stop! As we sat there giving each other confused looks, the plane turned around right there on the runway, taxied back to the end of the runway, and then turned around once more and waited to be cleared again for takeoff.
At this point the pilot spoke up, telling us the reason for the sudden stop was that a dog had run out onto the runway! (This was after hearing other passengers muttering rumors such as “there was another plane” or “there was a man”… uh-HUH…) Next thing we knew, we were in the air, on our way to our bush orientation. Eventful start!
So this runway incident, while slightly humorous (*quickly stopping a plane that is thundering down a runway at full speed probably veers into the “dangerous” category*), served to be another picture to me of His hand of provision and guidance of my life, and even of my every step. For indeed, what could stop a fully charged plane from getting down that runway? A little dog?
Yes, something that small. He can use any big or small thing to guide our feet on that straight, even path that He urges us to trust Him to provide in Proverbs.
I remember when I had first learned of New Tribes Mission, 11 years ago. A group of us students asked the missionary many questions that afternoon, including the question of “How can I know if God wants me to do this or that? (since there are so many good things I could do with this life to bring Him glory)” The missionary essentially encouraged us to ‘get on board the train’ of what we believe He is leading us to, and just GO! Why? Because He is FULLY able to stop us in our tracks at any point along the way. He can (and does) guide us fully, as we are fully willing to let Him.
It is for this reason that dogs on the runway do not shatter my faith. Dogs on the runway do not cause me to think “Oh no! Such-and-such has happened, so now what is to be done?” Even the apostle Paul experienced ‘dogs on the runway’, such as his desire to go and preach in Macedonia, but the Spirit would not allow him to go. He was not perplexed by this. Rather, he recognized that the Lord simply would have a different plan and/or a different timeline for him and his ministry.
This missionary lifestyle, with very obvious ‘dogs on the runway’, has quickly strengthened my faith in His leading. I don’t know which direction this ‘plane’ is heading, but I feel confident that He will lead and guide it absolutely perfectly! I feel so privileged to have the opportunity to be a part of this lifestyle and this amazing work, if nothing other than the opportunity to grow in my understanding of how He leads and guides His children so specifically and so lovingly.
After all, His greatest desire for me, and for you, is not that we serve and ‘do’, but that we become conformed to the image of Christ. (And as we become more and more like Him, then and only then can we serve and ‘do’ with the right motivation. Amen?) Let’s encourage one another to get to know Him and understand His heart. Then we can serve Him together out of our undying love for Him.
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