
Thoughts for the Journey

Welcome to my journey! Perhaps you'll find some encouragement, laughter, or just a thought as you walk along with me.

Monday, November 23, 2015

When Christ is Not Enough

If the title of this blog post alone doesn't cut your heart...

Imagine for a moment that a woman in your church has a seriously sick relative, but instead of taking him to the hospital, she takes him to go see a witchdoctor. This yields no results, but she continues this practice, because many in the community are saying that his sickness was caused by 'black magic'. And he gets sicker and sicker by the day...

What do you think caused this woman, who you believe is a born-again believer, to make such choices? Does she believe that Christ is not enough? That He does not have the power to heal her relative?**

Why do we, at times, live as though Christ is not enough?

Is He insufficient in any way? Think through every area of your life. In what ways Has he fallen short? And if you are believing this, where are you taking your burdens?

When you ask Him for something, and He chooses to answer with a 'no' for the result you were hoping for... does that mean that He failed you? Does that mean He is not enough for your satisfaction and for your joy?

...His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness..

...for in Him we live and move and have our being...

---and He is able to make all grace abound to you...

...He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together...

...with thanksgiving, present your requests to God...

...for we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses...

What would you say to a sister in Christ who is leaning on things of the world or of the evil one, rather than on Christ?

Please join me in praying for this sister in Christ, and for her relative whose health is deteriorating each week.

**from Scripture, we know fully that indeed He has the power to heal physical ailments. What we also know is that He does not promise to do so. His ways are not are ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts. But we are freely invited to confidently lay our requests before Him, believing that He has all power and authority, and that He cares deeply for us- that He may receive the glory. And so we ought to. Amen?

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