
Thoughts for the Journey

Welcome to my journey! Perhaps you'll find some encouragement, laughter, or just a thought as you walk along with me.

Monday, August 17, 2015

"Now I Understand!"

"It's NOT because you are whiteskins!"

She went on to say, "I've been looking at both of you missionary families, and the missionary family that was here before, and I have always thought what I've seen is so nice. I have always thought it was because you are whiteskins, but reading this talk, now I understand! It's because you are following God's talk."

We've been studying through Ephesians (more of an overview) with the Tigak believers for the last few months. For most, this is their first time reading these powerful and precious words. This past couple weeks, the Scripture discussed was about husbands loving their wives, wives respecting their husbands, children obeying their parents, and fathers not exasperating their children. Powerful, powerful stuff!

Listening to their testimonies filled me with joy, and the Lord used their words to remind me that He has a huge purpose for us here.

Some of the ladies told us how thankful they are to God for giving us these words, as they haven't really known how to parent their children (or raise their grandchildren, in some cases), especially not in a Biblical way.

Regarding the responsibilities God has given to husbands and wives, here were some of the testimonies the ladies shared:

  • "I have treated my husband badly. I am the worst woman ever. I'm so thankful to have this talk so I can learn to respect my husband."
  • "It's true... (tears)... I don't respect my husband."
  • "I'm so thankful to God for giving us this talk. This will help all of us! Thank you, God!"

And one man shared this testimony on two separate occasions:

  • "I have struggled to love my wife. I've been hearing this talk for years in English (in Tok Pisin, the national/trade language), but now I am hearing it in my own Tok Ples (tribal/local language) and finally it is speaking into my life."

If you are like me, you've been blessed to have the whole Word of God in your own language for your entire life. Your grandparents and parents may have even modeled Biblical marriage and Biblical parenting for you, and now you are following it because you have His Word in your heart.

Imagine for a moment, as you look at the pictures below, that you are hearing it for the first time!

Would you stop for a moment and pray for these sisters of yours in Christ? Pray also for your brothers in Him. Think with me - Christ said "I will build My Church." That's incredibly exciting, isn't it? Join me in asking Him to strengthen in maturity the current believers. This growth and maturity will allow them to be self-sustaining, to love one another (fellow believers, marriages, families, etc), and ultimately to expand the Gospel to the thousands of Tigak speakers scattered throughout this region of the world!

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