
Thoughts for the Journey

Welcome to my journey! Perhaps you'll find some encouragement, laughter, or just a thought as you walk along with me.

Friday, December 20, 2013

What Matters

It's amazing how one bite of quality chocolate can immediately bring joy to the heart! (And it's amazing how one bite of Hershey's can provide an opposite reaction...)

It's amazing how one word from a loved one can impact your day tremendously. And likewise, one word from a doctor.

And it's amazing how one decision of grace before the creation of the world brought us the perfect and exact redemption we needed- even with His knowing that we would not even be inclined to search for Him. (Merry Christmas!)

And as I thought about something TINY changing a person's life in an instant, I thought about the big picture of life, AND the little things that seemingly 'threaten' to change it. I found myself fighting the urge to think...
"I know the Lord wants me to be involved in church planting!! So what could get in the way of that?!"

But that is a false reality. What's true is that He asks us to follow Him and be involved in what He is involved in. What's not true is that we can confidently determine how that will play out in our lives.

It doesn't matter where I end up, If I make it to PNG and help plant and disciple a church.
What matters is "am I being His daughter faithfully and fully today, and each day?"

Why does it feel easier to surrender my life as a whole to Him, but more difficult still to freely offer Him this little detail and that little detail?

When will I stop being concerned about my own kingdom and become undividedly enamored with His?

Friday, December 6, 2013

A Heritage

Earlier this week, a group of older ladies and veteran missionary ladies called me their "heritage."

I'll say, I was a bit humbled by the idea. If they look on me and feel proud in any way, how much more, they must realize, I look on them with pride, gratitude, and amazement! 

These are ladies that have spent their lives serving as missionaries- and as wives and mothers at the same time, as I will be. Others of them have met together faithfully for 30 years to pray for missionaries around the world. 

It is humbling to recognize their perspective. They see a young person stepping up to do what they gave their lives for. To me that is nothing for my honor. Rather, it proves God's faithfulness, for I am the one who sees how He sustained these ladies over years and years of challenging ministry and circumstances. The same God who called them is the One who also called me. And He is faithful, unchanging in His nature.

This statement about me being their "heritage" caused me to look at my personal ministry to my children in a fresh way. You see, moving overseas does not in any way change my role as a parent. In fact, the roles He has created and designed me for remain constant no matter my circumstances. It is well put by author Christine Hoover of "The Church Planting Wife":

"I am first of all a disciple (of Christ), second a wife, third a mother, and after that comes ministry in my community."

The first and most important role, as a disciple of my Lord, will flow directly into the other roles/areas of my life. So the thought about "heritage" becomes this question for me: what kind of life am I living and leading- and modeling for my children? What am I demonstrating to them is worth living and dying for?" And as an 'end' result- my children are my heritage. What will that look like years from now? This sure brings meaning and purpose to the day-in and day-out of motherhood.